Goat Not Filming Starts

Filming of Goat Not started early June 2022!

A 60 pound backpack with a mix of typical backpacking gear and the bare minimum of cinema camera gear set the stage for a grueling two-night, three-day solo snowshoe backpacking trip to film the first scenes of Goat Not.

Here are a couple behind the scenes pictures of the trip:

At the start of the trip, just past the “Road Closed” sign at the 4200 foot level of the Mt. Baker highway. There was still tons of snow on the ground.
Mt. Baker from Artist Point 6/7/22.

A younger, leaner, fitter person might have found it less grueling, but for me it was definitely a workout.

This trip was followed by a couple of day trips (with a lighter pack) over the next couple weeks.

Filming will continue sporadically throughout the summer, fall, and early winter of 2022. The long filming period is due to the creative requirements of various scenes and story elements. (2023 update: had to push everything back a year.)

Feels great to make some progress. I can hardly wait to get it done. Still a long ways to go.

Now on to the next scenes…